Tuesday 5 April 2011

How we can stop deforestation?
  • To teach all children about deforestation so they can help us stop it to.
  • If we start cutting down even more trees there will not be much oxygen in atmosphere.
  • trees are habitat to many animals and food.
  • We use trees for fuel timber and many other products.

Definition:The cutting down and removal of all or most of the trees in a forested area.

There are many problems in the rainforest but I believe the major problem is deforestation.It is sad when you think about deforestation it is like a mother losing its baby you see the country is the mother and the tree is the baby.

Wednesday 30 March 2011

What can do to help protect rainforests?

Rainforest are disapearing so fast but the good thing is that people want to do something about this these are some of there ideas:
  • Teach others about the importance of the environment and how they can help save rainforests.
  • Restore damaged ecosystems by planting trees on land where forests have been cut down.
  • Find parks to protect rainforests and wildlife.
  • Encourage people to live there life so that we don't hurt the environment.

Why are Rainforest Impotant ?:
  • provide homes to many plants and animals
  • helps support the worlds climate
  • the trees in there give us oxygen
  • somtimes we forget how impotant the world is and a rainforest can show us

where are rainforest found in the world?
Rainforest are found all over the world but for each type ,they stay around the same area .have a  look.

Where the green is ,that is the tropical rainforest and where the pink is that where the temperate rainforest are .As you can see there is more tropical rainforest then temperate the world.

 All tropical rainforest are located around the equator they are located at:
  • Belize
  • Brazil
  • Colombia
  • Costa Rica
  • French Guiana
  • Guyana
  • Peru
  • Suriname
  • Venezuela
Forest are located mainly in eastern half of the United States, Canada, Europe, parts of Russia, China and Japan.


Friday 25 March 2011

Rainforest Plants
There are so many types of different plants in the rainforest.So many I can't even count them.
The plants are amazing ,they give they give most animals shelter and food. 

 There is so many types ,but there is 4 main plants:
  1. epiphyte
  2. trees
  3. orchid
  4. strangler fig
These as I said before help our rainforest. In fact there would not be a rainforest if there was no plants because all the animals would leave the rainforest as there would be no food for them.

 The plant epiphyte is a plant that usually grows on a other plant that is why it is commen in the rainforest because there is so many plants it can grow on.

Trees are very important in our daily life becaues they give us oxygen and are also homes to many animals .Trees have exsisted  for over 400 million years and are the world's largest living creatures.

An orchid is flower which is divied into six diffrent section .There are over 20,000 known species .

Strangler Fig

The strangler fig tree starts life in the canopy as a small seed it is diffrent to most trees becaues they start on the forest floor.

Thursday 17 March 2011


What Animals Live in the Rainforest?
There is a variety of animals in the rainforest.There are different animals in each layer. Many animals that live there are in danger because of humans.
The animal that is most common is insects. There is not one type of insect, there are many. I will list some of them:
  • Moth
  • leaf insect
  • butterfly 
  •  planthopper
My favourite animal in the rainforest is the butterfly. A butterfly is a calm animal who flys with peace and care. A butterfly flys in the day and sleeps in the night. Like most animals, the butterfly has a life cycle. It starts as an egg, then grows into larva, pupa, and finally an adult.Butterflies can be found in different  habitats such as wetlands, meadows, woods , rainforests and even a garden.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Layers of a Rainforest

There are four layers in the rainforest. They are:
  1. Forest floor
  2. Understory
  3. Canopy
  4. Emergent layer
These are the layers in order, from bottom to top:

Since hardly any sun reaches the forest floor, plants and leaves begin to decay quickly in this layer.

The understory layer is below the canopy. It gets a little bit of light. The plants there grow  to 12 feet  high.There is a variety of different animals that live there.

This is the primary layer of the forest and forms a roof over the two remaining layers.  

The emergent layer is the last layer in the rainforest and it has the tallest trees .Some trees in the emergent layer grow to 200 feet above the forest floor. 

Tuesday 1 March 2011

What is a Rainforest?
A rainforest is a wet environment. Animals that live in this environment need water to survive. There are two different types of rainforests.  There are tropical and temperate rainforests.The difference between the two rainforests is that a tropical rainforest is a warm environment and a temperate rainforest is a cool environment. Rainforests are the earth's oldest living ecosystems. A large number of animals and plants live there. Most rainforests are located around the middle of the earth, near the equator.

Meditation To The Sound Of Rain